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Discovering Amos: The Prophet Behind the Book

The book of Amos is one of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, yet its message is anything but minor. Amos was a prophet who spoke out against social injustice in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during a time of great prosperity for the wealthy and elite. "Discovering Amos: The Prophet Behind the Book" is an opportunity to learn more about this influential prophet and his message.

Who is the Author of "Discovering Amos"?

The author of "Discovering Amos" is Dr. Gordon Keddie, a pastor and theologian who has written extensively about the Old Testament. He has a passion for helping people understand the historical and cultural context of the Bible, and he brings that expertise to this book.

Uncovering the Prophet Behind the Book

Amos is not a well-known prophet, yet his message resonates with people today. He was a farmer and herdsman from the town of Tekoa, and he was called by God to deliver a message of judgment to the people of Israel. "Discovering Amos" takes readers on a journey through the book of Amos, exploring the themes of social justice and righteousness that are central to his message.

Insights into Amos’ Life and Ministry

"Discovering Amos" provides insights into the life and ministry of Amos, including his encounters with other prophets and his interactions with the people of Israel. It also explores the literary structure of the book of Amos and the significance of the language and imagery used by the prophet. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the message of Amos and its relevance for today.

Understanding the Historical Context of Amos’ Time Period

To fully grasp the message of Amos, it is important to understand the historical context of his time period. Amos prophesied during a time of political and social unrest in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The wealthy and elite were enjoying great prosperity, while the poor and marginalized were neglected. Amos spoke out against this injustice and warned of the impending judgment of God if the rulers did not repent.

Information on the Time Period:

Amos prophesied in the mid-eighth century BCE, during a time of political and social unrest in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This was a period of great prosperity for the wealthy elite, but it came at the expense of the poor and marginalized. Amos spoke out against the injustices of the ruling class and warned of the impending judgment of God if they did not repent. His message is a timeless reminder of the importance of social justice and the consequences of neglecting the needs of the vulnerable.

"Discovering Amos: The Prophet Behind the Book" is a fascinating exploration of the life and message of Amos. This book provides valuable insights into the historical and cultural context of the book of Amos, helping readers to understand the message of social justice and righteousness that Amos proclaimed. As evangelicals, it is our responsibility to care for the vulnerable and marginalized in our society, and the message of Amos is a powerful reminder of that duty. "Discovering Amos" is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the Old Testament and its relevance for today.

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