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Titus: Church Leadership 101, Bruh

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Yo, what’s up my fellow church peeps! If you’re lookin’ to learn about how to lead the church, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re gonna be remixing the book of Titus and breaking down some key leadership tips. So grab your Bibles and let’s dive in, bruh!

Titus: The Basics of Church Leadership

Yo, so first things first, if you’re gonna be a leader in the church, you gotta know what the heck you’re doin’. Titus was all about teaching the basics of leadership, like appointing elders and setting things in order. You can’t lead if you don’t have a plan, so make sure you got your ducks in a row before you start bossin’ people around.

Bruh, Let’s Talk About Being Above Reproach

Listen up, y’all. If you wanna be a leader in the church, you gotta keep it 100. That means you gotta live your life in a way that’s above reproach. No shady business, no sneaky moves, just keepin’ it real. People are gonna look up to you, so you gotta be a good role model, ya feel me?

Keepin’ It Real: The Qualifications of Leaders

Titus was all about keeping it real when it came to the qualifications of leaders. You gotta be a stand-up guy, with a good reputation and some solid character traits. No one’s perfect, but if you’re gonna lead the church, you gotta be someone people can trust. So make sure you’re not a hot mess before you start tellin’ others what to do.

Sound Doctrine: The Foundation of Church Leadership

Yo, if you’re gonna lead a church, you gotta know your stuff. Titus was all about sound doctrine, which means you gotta know the Bible inside and out. You can’t be wishy-washy on the important stuff, like salvation and grace. So make sure you’re grounded in the Word before you start preachin’ to others.

Leading By Example: Showing Good Works

Listen up, my dudes. If you wanna be a leader in the church, you gotta walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Titus was all about leading by example, and that means showing good works. Don’t just tell people to be kind and generous, show them what it looks like. Be the change you wanna see in the world, ya feel me?

Keepin’ It Positive: Encouraging Others

Yo, if you’re gonna lead the church, you gotta be the hype man. Titus was all about encouraging others and building them up. Don’t tear people down, lift them up! Let them know that they’re loved and valued. Be the light in a dark world, my dudes.

Dealing With False Teachers: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Listen up, fam. There’s gonna be people who try to lead others astray, but you can’t let it slide. Titus was all about dealing with false teachers and shutting them down. Ain’t nobody got time for that nonsense. Stay true to the Word and don’t let anyone mess with your faith.

Young and Old: Respecting Everyone in the Church

Yo, if you’re gonna lead the church, you gotta respect everyone, young and old. Titus was all about showing honor and respect to everyone, regardless of their age or status. Don’t play favorites or think you’re better than anyone else. We’re all in this together, my dudes.

Serving the Church: It’s Not About You, Bruh

Listen up, my fellow leaders. It’s not about us, it’s about serving the church. Titus was all about putting others first and serving with humility. Don’t get caught up in your own ego or think you’re too good for certain tasks. Roll up your sleeves and get to work, my dudes.

Grace and Peace: The Ultimate Goals of Church Leadership

Yo, if you wanna be a leader in the church, you gotta be all about grace and peace. Titus was all about spreading love and kindness, and that’s what we should be all about too. Don’t be a grump or a stick in the mud, be the chill dude who brings the good vibes. That’s what it’s all about, my dudes.

And there you have it, my fellow church peeps. Titus had some solid leadership advice, and we can still apply it to our lives today. So go out there and be the leaders God called you to be, bruh!

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