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Colossians: Stay Lit for Jesus, Fam

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Yo, what’s up fam? It’s time to get lit for Jesus! We’re talking about Colossians, but we’re not gonna use any boring old language. We’re gonna use some fresh teen slang to make it relevant for us. So, let’s dive into Colossians and get turnt for Jesus!

Know Who Jesus Is, No Fakes Allowed

Alright, listen up y’all! If you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta know who He is. Ain’t no fakes allowed here. Jesus is the real deal, the OG, the one and only. He’s the Son of God and He came to save us from our sins. So, do your research, read the Bible, and get to know Jesus for who He really is.

Jesus is the Real MVP, Not the World

I know it’s tempting to follow the hype and chase after the things of this world, but let me tell you something – Jesus is the real MVP. He’s the one who deserves all our love and attention, not the latest trends or fads. So, don’t get caught up in the world’s game. Keep your eyes on Jesus and stay lit for Him.

Stay Grounded in Jesus, Not in Hype

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype and forget what really matters. But if you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta stay grounded in Him. Don’t let the noise of the world drown out His voice. Stay connected to Jesus through prayer, worship, and reading the Bible. That’s how you’ll stay grounded and keep your fire burning bright.

Live for Jesus, Not for the Gram

I know we all love to post on social media and get those likes and followers, but let me ask you this – are you living for Jesus or for the gram? If you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta live for Him. Don’t let social media be your god. Let Jesus be the center of your life and let everything else fall into place.

Put Off Your Old Ways, Stay Turnt for Jesus

We all have our old ways and habits that we need to put off if we wanna stay lit for Jesus. Whether it’s gossiping, lying, or any other sin, we gotta let it go and turn up for Jesus. Don’t let your old ways hold you back. Put them off and stay turnt for Jesus.

Keep Your Mind on Things Above, Not on the Lows

It’s easy to get down and discouraged when things don’t go our way. But if you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta keep your mind on things above, not on the lows. Remember that you’re a child of God and that He’s got a plan for your life. Keep your eyes on Jesus and trust Him through the highs and lows.

Put on Your New Self, Flex for Jesus

When we give our lives to Jesus, we become a new creation. So, put on your new self and flex for Jesus. Let your light shine bright and be a witness to the world. Don’t be afraid to show your faith and live boldly for Jesus.

Let Jesus Reign in Your Relationships, Not Drama

Relationships can be messy and drama-filled, but if you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta let Him reign in your relationships. Put His love and grace at the center of your friendships, dating relationships, and family relationships. Let Him guide you in how you treat others and how you respond to drama.

Stay Prayed Up, Lit for Jesus 24/7

Last but not least, if you wanna stay lit for Jesus, you gotta stay prayed up. Prayer is the fuel that keeps our fire burning. So, make it a priority to pray every day and stay connected to Jesus. Keep your fire burning 24/7 and let His light shine through you wherever you go.

There you have it, fam – Colossians: Stay Lit for Jesus, Fam. I hope this remix helped you see how relevant and exciting the Bible can be for us today. So, let’s keep the fire burning and stay lit for Jesus!

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