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“Sing Out to the Stars and Seas” – Psalm 148

Sing Out to the Stars and Seas – Psalm 148

Verse 1:
Sing out to the stars and seas,
Praise the Lord, all creatures please,
From the heavens to the earth,
Let us celebrate His worth.

Hallelujah, let us sing,
To the Lord, our gracious king,
All creation, loud and clear,
Proclaim His name, without fear.

Verse 2:
Praise Him, sun and moon so bright,
Shine for Him, all day and night,
Stars, like diamonds in the sky,
Glimmer for Him, way up high.

Hallelujah, let us sing,
To the Lord, our gracious king,
All creation, loud and clear,
Proclaim His name, without fear.

Verse 3:
Praise Him, all you creatures, wild,
Birds that soar, with grace and style,
Whales that sing, deep in the sea,
All of nature, praise with glee.

Hallelujah, let us sing,
To the Lord, our gracious king,
All creation, loud and clear,
Proclaim His name, without fear.

Verse 4:
Let us praise the Lord alone,
For He sits upon His throne,
High above the earth and skies,
Let our praise, forever rise.

Hallelujah, let us sing,
To the Lord, our gracious king,
All creation, loud and clear,
Proclaim His name, without fear.

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