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“Rock of My Salvation” – Psalm 28

Rock of My Salvation – Psalm 28

Verse 1:
Oh Lord, my rock and my salvation
I cry out to you in desperation
Don’t turn a deaf ear to my pleas
For if you do, I’ll be like those who cease

You are the rock of my salvation
My strength and my foundation
In you I find my refuge and peace
You are the rock of my salvation

Verse 2:
Don’t let the wicked prosper in their ways
Or they will lead us all astray
Repay them according to their deeds
And bring justice to those in need

You are the rock of my salvation
My strength and my foundation
In you I find my refuge and peace
You are the rock of my salvation

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry
He is my strength and my shield, I will not die
My heart trusts in him and I am helped
My soul rejoices and my fears are quelled

You are the rock of my salvation
My strength and my foundation
In you I find my refuge and peace
You are the rock of my salvation

Oh Lord, my God, I give you thanks
For you have heard my prayers and my complaints
You are the rock of my salvation
And in you I find my eternal foundation.

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