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Rise Up, Sing Out – Psalm 147

Rise Up, Sing Out – Psalm 147

Verse 1:
Praise the Lord, it’s a good thing to sing
To our God, it’s a joyous thing
He rebuilds Jerusalem, gathers the outcasts
Heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds at last

Rise up, sing out, let your voice be heard
Praise the Lord, for He is the Word
He covers the heavens with clouds
And prepares rain for the earth’s crowds

Verse 2:
He gives to the beasts and the young ravens
His pleasure is not in the strength of horses or men
He delights in those who fear Him
And hope in His steadfast love, for He is our King

Rise up, sing out, let your voice be heard
Praise the Lord, for He is the Word
He covers the heavens with clouds
And prepares rain for the earth’s crowds

Verse 3:
Great is our God, abundant in power
His understanding is beyond measure
He lifts up the humble, but casts the wicked down
Singing praises to Him is our true crown

Rise up, sing out, let your voice be heard
Praise the Lord, for He is the Word
He covers the heavens with clouds
And prepares rain for the earth’s crowds

Let us praise the Lord, for He is great
And His mercy endures forever, we celebrate
Rise up, sing out, let your voice be heard
For He is our God, and we are His chosen herd.

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