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Rise Up, O Gods! Justice Prevails – Psalm 82

Rise Up, O Gods! Justice Prevails – Psalm 82

Verse 1:
God stands in the congregation
He judges among the gods
How long will you show partiality
And defend the unjust cause?

Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The poor and needy are crying out
Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The earth is in need of your power

Verse 2:
Defend the weak and fatherless
Uphold the cause of the poor
Rescue the weak and needy
Deliver them from the hand of the wicked

Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The poor and needy are crying out
Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The earth is in need of your power

You are all sons of the Most High
Yet you will die like mere mortals
Arise, O God, judge the earth
For all the nations are your inheritance

Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The poor and needy are crying out
Rise up, O Gods! Justice prevails
The earth is in need of your power

Rise up, O Gods, and bring justice to the land
For the sake of the oppressed and the broken
Rise up, O Gods, and show your power
For the glory of your name.

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