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Rise Up and Shine – Psalm 101

Rise Up and Shine – Psalm 101

Verse 1

I will sing of your love and justice,
I will praise you with all my heart.
I will be careful to live a blameless life
When will you come to help me?


Rise up and shine, O Lord,
Come and rescue me with your love.
Let your light shine upon my face
And guide me in the way of truth.

Verse 2

I will not allow evil to dwell with me
I will not tolerate wrongdoing.
I will not allow pride to rule my heart
I will not allow deceitful words to depart.


Rise up and shine, O Lord,
Come and rescue me with your love.
Let your light shine upon my face
And guide me in the way of truth.


I will seek out the faithful and righteous
And walk with them in the ways of God.
I will not allow the wicked to prosper
Or be a part of their sinful ways.


Rise up and shine, O Lord,
Come and rescue me with your love.
Let your light shine upon my face
And guide me in the way of truth.


I will sing of your love and justice
And praise you with all my heart.
For you have been my refuge and strength
And have guided me in the way of truth.
Rise up and shine, O Lord,
And let your light shine upon us all.

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