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“Rise Above the Noise” – Psalm 37

Rise Above the Noise – Psalm 37

Verse 1:
Don’t fret about the wicked
Or envy those who do wrong
For they will soon wither
Like grass that doesn’t belong

Rise above the noise
Trust in the Lord always
Delight in His ways
And He will give you all you need

Verse 2:
Commit your way to the Lord
And He will make your paths straight
Be still before Him
And wait patiently for your fate

Rise above the noise
Trust in the Lord always
Delight in His ways
And He will give you all you need

Verse 3:
The meek shall inherit the land
And enjoy peace and prosperity
The Lord upholds the righteous
And their inheritance will last eternally

Rise above the noise
Trust in the Lord always
Delight in His ways
And He will give you all you need

So don’t worry about the future
Or what the world may bring
For the Lord will never forsake you
And to His will, you will cling.

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