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Revive My Soul – Psalm 51

Revive My Soul – Psalm 51

Verse 1

I come to You, my God
My heart is heavy, my spirit crushed
I know I’ve sinned against You
And I’m in desperate need of Your touch


Revive my soul, oh God
Cleanse me from my sin
Create in me a pure heart
And renew a steadfast spirit within

Verse 2

Against You, and You alone, I’ve sinned
My guilt is ever before me
I need Your grace and mercy
To wash away my iniquity


Revive my soul, oh God
Cleanse me from my sin
Create in me a pure heart
And renew a steadfast spirit within


Cast me not away from Your presence
Take not Your Holy Spirit from me
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me


Revive my soul, oh God
Cleanse me from my sin
Create in me a pure heart
And renew a steadfast spirit within


I come to You, my God
My heart is heavy, my spirit crushed
Revive my soul, oh God
And I will be made whole again.

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