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“Heaven’s Criteria for a Life of Honor” – Psalm 15

Heaven’s Criteria for a Life of Honor – Psalm 15

Verse 1

Who can enter heaven’s gates,
Who can stand on holy ground?
Only those who walk in ways of truth,
And in righteousness are found.


Heaven’s criteria for a life of honor,
Is a heart that’s pure and true.
Living always with integrity,
And doing what is right to do.

Verse 2

Those who do not slander others,
Or speak out against their friends.
Who despise the wicked ways of sin,
And honor those who God defends.


Heaven’s criteria for a life of honor,
Is a heart that’s pure and true.
Living always with integrity,
And doing what is right to do.

Verse 3

Those who keep their promises,
And do not cheat or lie.
Who do not take advantage of others,
But treat them with respect and high.


Heaven’s criteria for a life of honor,
Is a heart that’s pure and true.
Living always with integrity,
And doing what is right to do.

Verse 4

Those who live a life of honor,
Will never be shaken or moved.
For they are firmly rooted in the Lord,
And in His grace and love they’re proved.


Heaven’s criteria for a life of honor,
Is a heart that’s pure and true.
Living always with integrity,
And doing what is right to do.

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