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Blessings Overflow – Psalm 67

Blessings Overflow – Psalm 67

Verse 1:
May God be gracious to us and bless us
And make his face shine upon us
That your ways may be known on earth
Your salvation among all nations

Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
The nations sing, the earth rejoices
Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
All glory to the King of kings

Verse 2:
May the peoples praise you, O God
May all the peoples praise you
May the nations be glad and sing for joy
For you rule the peoples with equity

Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
The nations sing, the earth rejoices
Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
All glory to the King of kings

Let the earth yield its harvest
Let God, our God, bless us
Let all the ends of the earth fear him

Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
The nations sing, the earth rejoices
Blessings overflow, blessings overflow
All glory to the King of kings

All glory to the King of kings
Blessings overflow, blessings overflow.

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