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The Ultimate Act of Love – a John 13 Story.

The Ultimate Act of Love – a John 13 Story

Carla had been planning her wedding for months. She had chosen the perfect dress, the perfect venue, and the perfect menu. Everything was going according to plan until her fiancé, Mike, received devastating news. His mother had been diagnosed with cancer and needed immediate surgery.

Carla knew that Mike was devastated and needed her support, but she was torn between her desire to be there for him and her preoccupation with her wedding. As she struggled with her conflicting feelings, she remembered the story from John 13 where Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.

Carla realized that Jesus had shown an ultimate act of love by humbling himself and serving his disciples. She knew that showing love and compassion to Mike and his family was more important than her wedding plans. She decided to postpone the wedding and take care of Mike’s mother until she recovered.

Mike was grateful for Carla’s support and understood her decision to postpone the wedding. Carla spent the next few weeks taking care of Mike’s mother, cooking meals, cleaning the house, and driving her to appointments. She showed an ultimate act of love by putting her own desires aside and serving those in need.

As Mike’s mother recovered, Carla felt a sense of fulfillment and joy that she had never experienced before. She realized that serving others was the ultimate act of love and that true happiness came from helping others.

In John 13:34, Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Carla had learned the true meaning of this verse by humbling herself and serving others. She felt grateful for the opportunity to show love and compassion to those in need, and she knew that it was the ultimate act of love.

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