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The Seed that Grew – a Matthew 13 Story

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Maria who had just graduated from college. She had always dreamed of starting her own business and had spent countless hours researching and planning for her venture. Finally, she saved up enough money and opened her own boutique in a busy shopping district.

Maria was hopeful and excited as she opened the doors to her store for the very first time. She had carefully selected the most beautiful and unique clothing pieces, and displayed them in a way that would catch the eye of any shopper passing by. The first few days were a success, and Maria was overjoyed.

But soon, she realized that not every day would be as successful as the first few. Some days, there were barely any customers in the store, and Maria found herself wondering if she had made a mistake.

One day, as Maria was feeling particularly discouraged, a woman walked into the store. She was dressed in plain clothing and didn’t seem like the type of customer Maria was hoping to attract. But as the woman browsed through the racks, she picked out several items and brought them to the counter to purchase.

As Maria rang up the sale, the woman turned to her and said, "I’ve been looking for a store like this for a long time. Thank you for creating such a beautiful space."

Maria was taken aback by the woman’s kind words. She had been so focused on attracting a certain type of customer that she had forgotten about the joy of simply creating something beautiful for anyone to enjoy.

From that day on, Maria renewed her focus on creating a store that was welcoming to all. She began to find joy in every customer who walked through her doors, no matter their appearance or background.

As she watched her business grow, Maria realized that the seed she had planted had grown into something much larger than she had imagined. She had created a space that brought joy and beauty to many people’s lives.

In Matthew 13:31-32, Jesus tells a parable of a mustard seed that grows into a large tree, providing shelter for birds. This story reminds us that even the smallest acts of kindness and goodness can grow into something extraordinary. Maria’s small business may have seemed insignificant at first, but her dedication to creating a beautiful space for anyone who walked through her doors had a far-reaching impact.

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