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The Power of Encouragement – a Colossians 4 Story.

Mandy was a hardworking woman. She had just started her new job at a law firm, and she was determined to make a name for herself. Her co-workers, on the other hand, were not so friendly. They barely spoke to her and often excluded her from their conversations.

Mandy was feeling discouraged and lonely. One day, she overheard two of her co-workers talking about an upcoming project. They were saying how difficult it was going to be and how they could never imagine Mandy being able to handle it. Mandy felt embarrassed and ashamed. She didn’t want to be seen as incompetent.

Just then, one of her other co-workers, Sarah, walked in. Sarah was always friendly and bubbly, and she could sense that something was wrong. Mandy confided in her and told her everything that had happened. Sarah listened attentively and then said, "Don’t worry, Mandy. You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to. I believe in you."

Those words of encouragement meant the world to Mandy. She felt a renewed sense of confidence and determination. She worked hard on the project, and when it was completed, her co-workers were amazed at how well she had done. They apologized for their previous behavior and said how impressed they were with her.

Mandy knew that she couldn’t have done it without Sarah’s encouragement. She thanked her and told her how much it meant to her. From that day forward, Mandy and Sarah became good friends. They worked together on many projects, and Sarah was always there to offer words of encouragement and support.

Mandy realized that the power of encouragement can make a huge difference in someone’s life. She made it her mission to be an encourager to others, just as Sarah had been to her. She started a "Compliment Board" in the break room where co-workers could leave positive notes for each other.

As time went on, Mandy’s workplace became a much more positive and encouraging environment. It was a place where people felt valued and supported. And it all started with a few simple words of encouragement from Sarah.

In Colossians 4:6, it says, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." This verse reminds us of the importance of our words and the impact they can have on others. We should strive to use our words to lift others up and encourage them, just as Sarah did for Mandy.

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