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The Mighty Angel and the Sweet Scroll – a Revelation 10 Story

The Mighty Angel and the Sweet Scroll – a Revelation 10 Story

John looked up and saw a powerful angel descending from heaven. The angel was clothed in a cloud, and his face was as bright as the sun. In his hand, he held a small scroll that was open. The angel descended upon the earth, and his feet were as pillars of fire.

As the angel stood upon the earth, he raised his hand to heaven and swore an oath by the almighty God. John listened intently as the angel declared that there would be no more delay, and that the time had come for the mysteries of God to be revealed.

The angel then handed John the sweet scroll, and he instructed him to eat it. John eagerly took the scroll and placed it in his mouth. As soon as he tasted it, his mouth was filled with sweetness, but his stomach was filled with bitterness.

John looked up at the angel with confusion in his eyes. The angel explained that the sweetness of the scroll represented the word of God, which is sweet to the taste. However, the bitterness represented the trials and tribulations that would come to those who followed the word of God.

John understood the message that the angel was trying to convey to him. He knew that the word of God was sweet and fulfilling, but he also knew that it would lead him down a difficult path.

As the angel turned to ascend back to heaven, John was filled with a sense of purpose. He knew that he had been chosen by God to spread his word and to face the challenges that would come his way.

And so, John set out on his journey, armed with the sweet scroll and the knowledge that he was not alone. He knew that the mighty angel would be watching over him, and that God’s word would guide him through the trials of life.

In the end, John realized that the sweet scroll was not just a message, but a way of life. He knew that the word of God was not just a set of rules, but a way of living that would bring him true happiness and fulfillment.

Relevant Verse: "So I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour." – Revelation 10:10

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