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The Humble Servant – a Matthew 23 Story

Once upon a time, in a wealthy suburban area, there lived a woman named Charlotte. She was a successful businesswoman who owned her own company and lived a lavish lifestyle. Charlotte had several maids who took care of her household and catered to her every need. One of these maids was a young woman named Maria.

Maria was a humble servant who took her job seriously. She worked hard every day to ensure that the household was clean and organized. She never complained and was always willing to go above and beyond for her employer. Despite her hard work, Charlotte never noticed her efforts and often treated her poorly.

One day, Charlotte threw a lavish party at her home. She invited all of her wealthy friends and colleagues to attend. Maria was tasked with serving the guests and ensuring that everything ran smoothly. As the night wore on, Charlotte became increasingly drunk and began to act inappropriately towards her guests. Maria tried to intervene and calm her employer down, but her efforts were in vain.

Eventually, the party came to an end, and the guests left. Charlotte stumbled to her bedroom and fell asleep, leaving Maria to clean up the mess. As Maria worked tirelessly to clean up the mess, she couldn’t help but feel resentful towards her employer. She had worked hard all night, and Charlotte hadn’t even acknowledged her efforts.

The next morning, as Charlotte woke up and saw the immaculate state of her home, she was filled with gratitude towards Maria. She had never seen her home so clean, and she knew that it was thanks to Maria’s hard work. She called Maria into her office and apologized for her behavior the previous night. Charlotte realized that she had been taking Maria for granted and promised to treat her better in the future.

In Matthew 23:11-12 it is said, "The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Maria’s humility and hard work were eventually noticed and appreciated by her employer. In the end, it was Maria who was exalted, and Charlotte learned the importance of treating her employees with respect and kindness.

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