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The Humble Rise – a 1 Peter 5 Story.

There was a young man named Joshua who had recently graduated from college and was eager to start his career in a big company in the city. He had always been ambitious and driven, and he was determined to climb the corporate ladder as quickly as possible. However, things didn’t go as smoothly as he had hoped.

Joshua quickly realized that his new colleagues were not as friendly and supportive as he had expected. They seemed more interested in competing with each other than working together as a team, and Joshua found himself struggling to keep up with their pace. He worked long hours and tried to impress his bosses, but he always felt like he was falling short.

One day, Joshua decided to talk to his mentor, a wise and experienced leader who had been in the industry for many years. The mentor listened patiently as Joshua poured out his frustrations and fears, and then he gave him some advice that changed his life.

"Remember what 1 Peter 5 says," the mentor said. "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. If you want to succeed in this company, you need to learn to be humble."

Joshua was skeptical at first, but he decided to take the mentor’s advice to heart. He started to focus less on his own achievements and more on the success of his team. He listened carefully to his colleagues’ ideas and opinions and tried to build relationships with them. He also began to pray more and seek God’s guidance in his work.

To his surprise, Joshua found that his new approach was working. His colleagues started to trust him more and include him in their projects. His bosses noticed his improved attitude and rewarded him with more responsibilities. And Joshua realized that he was happier and more fulfilled than he had ever been before.

In the end, Joshua learned that true success comes not from personal ambition, but from humility and a willingness to serve others. He continued to work hard and strive for excellence, but he did so with a humble heart and a deep trust in God’s plan for his life.

As 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Joshua had learned to trust in God’s timing and care, and he had experienced the power of humility in his own life.

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