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Set Free from the Law – a Romans 7 Story

It was a beautiful day in the city of Rome. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Elizabeth had just finished her work for the day and was walking home when she saw a group of people gathered around a man who was preaching passionately. Intrigued, she joined the crowd and listened as the man spoke about being set free from the law.

The man spoke about his struggle with sin and how he found himself doing the very things he did not want to do. Elizabeth could relate; she had always tried to live a good life, but she found herself falling short. The man went on to explain that it was impossible to be saved by following the law; only faith in Jesus Christ could set them free.

As the man spoke, Elizabeth felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders. She had always felt burdened by the law, always trying to live up to its standards and failing. But now she saw that it was not about following rules but about having faith in Jesus Christ.

Elizabeth began attending the man’s meetings regularly, soaking in his teachings about grace and freedom. She began to understand that she was not condemned by the law, that Christ had paid the price for her sins.

One day, as she was walking home, she saw a group of people stoning a woman they claimed was caught in adultery. Elizabeth was horrified; she knew that the law demanded stoning for such a sin, but she also knew that the law had been fulfilled by Christ. She approached the group and spoke about forgiveness and how Christ had set them free from the law. Slowly, the group disbanded, and Elizabeth comforted the woman, telling her about the love of Christ.

Elizabeth had been set free from the law, and now she wanted to share that freedom with others. She began preaching and teaching about grace and forgiveness, sharing how Christ had set her free.

In the end, Elizabeth knew that it was not about following the law but about having faith in Christ. She had been set free from the burden of the law, and she now knew that salvation came from faith in Christ alone. As Romans 7:6 states, "But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit."

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