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Rising Above the Mundane – A Colossians 3 Story

Rising Above the Mundane – A Colossians 3 Story

Sophie was feeling stuck in her life. She had a good job, a nice apartment, and a decent social life, but it all felt mundane. She longed for something more, something that would give her a sense of purpose and fulfillment. One day, while browsing through a bookstore, she stumbled upon a copy of the Bible. She had never read it before, but she was drawn to it, and she decided to buy it.

As she read through the pages, she came across Colossians 3. The words spoke to her in a way that she had never experienced before. "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things," she read. "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." These words resonated with Sophie, and she decided to delve deeper into the chapter.

She read about putting to death earthly desires and putting on a new self, one that was holy and pleasing to God. She realized that she had been seeking fulfillment in all the wrong places, and that true fulfillment could only come from a relationship with God. She began to pray and seek God’s will for her life, and she felt a sense of peace that she had never experienced before.

Sophie began to make changes in her life. She started attending church and bible study, and she began to surround herself with people who shared her faith. She found that her relationships became deeper and more meaningful, and that her days were filled with purpose and joy. She began to see the world in a new light, and she felt a sense of hope that she had never known before.

One day, Sophie’s boss approached her with a new project. It was a big challenge, and she wasn’t sure if she was up for it. As she sat at her desk, feeling overwhelmed, she remembered the words from Colossians 3:23-24: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." She took a deep breath and prayed for strength and guidance, and she felt a sense of peace and confidence wash over her.

Sophie threw herself into the project, working tirelessly and with a sense of purpose that she had never known before. She worked with honesty and integrity, knowing that she was serving God through her work. When the project was completed, her boss was thrilled with her work and offered her a promotion. Sophie smiled, knowing that it was not her own doing, but God’s grace that had brought her to this point.

As she left the office that day, Sophie knew that her life would never be mundane again. She had found a new purpose, a new sense of joy, and a new relationship with God. She thanked Him for the transformation in her life, and she knew that He had great things in store for her.


"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." – Colossians 3:2. This verse speaks to the heart of Sophie’s story, and to the heart of all who seek a life of purpose and fulfillment. When we focus on earthly things, we can easily become lost in the mundane, seeking happiness in all the wrong places. But when we set our minds on things above, seeking God’s will and purpose for our lives, we find a sense of peace and joy that cannot be matched by anything in this world. As we work at everything with all our heart, serving the Lord in all that we do, we find that the mundane becomes extraordinary, and that our lives are transformed in ways we never thought possible.

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