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Resisting Temptation with Faith – a Matthew 4 Story

John had always been a good Christian, but lately, he found himself struggling to resist temptation. He had recently landed a high-paying job at a prestigious law firm, and with the money came a lifestyle he never thought he could afford. The fancy cars, designer clothes, and nights out on the town were alluring to him, but he knew that they were not in line with his faith.

One night, John was out with a group of colleagues at a fancy restaurant. As they sat around the table sipping expensive wine and indulging in rich foods, John felt a sense of emptiness inside. He knew that this was not who he was meant to be. Suddenly, he remembered the story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness.

John opened his Bible app and read the story from Matthew 4. He was struck by how Jesus was able to resist temptation by relying on the word of God. John knew that he needed to do the same. He excused himself from the table and went outside to pray.

As he prayed, John felt a sense of peace come over him. He knew that he could resist the temptations of this world with the help of God. He returned to the table and politely declined any more alcohol or rich foods. His colleagues were surprised, but they respected his decision.

Over the next few weeks, John found himself relying more and more on his faith to resist temptation. He started attending Bible study groups and spending more time in prayer. He even started donating a portion of his salary to charity instead of spending it on luxury items.

One day, John was offered a promotion at work that would require him to work on a case that went against his Christian beliefs. He knew that he could not compromise his values for the sake of his career. He turned down the promotion, even though it meant giving up a significant amount of money.

As John walked out of the office that day, he felt a sense of contentment that he had never felt before. He knew that by resisting temptation and standing up for his faith, he was walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

"Then Jesus said to him, ‘Be gone, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’" – Matthew 4:10.

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