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Radiant Examples – a Titus 2 Story

Radiant Examples – a Titus 2 Story

Samantha had always admired the older women in her church who seemed to radiate joy and wisdom. She longed to be like them, but didn’t know how to go about it. That’s when the pastor’s wife introduced her to a mentoring program based on Titus 2.

The program paired younger women with older women in the church, and Samantha was paired with a woman named Ruth. Ruth was in her 60s and had been married for over 40 years. She was kind and gentle, but also had a quiet strength that Samantha admired.

Over the next few months, Ruth met with Samantha regularly to talk about life and faith. She shared stories of her own struggles and victories, and helped Samantha navigate some of the challenges she was facing as a young wife and mother.

One day, Samantha was particularly discouraged. She and her husband had been arguing a lot lately, and she felt like she couldn’t do anything right as a mom. Ruth listened patiently, then shared a verse from Titus 2 with her: "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good" (Titus 2:3, NIV).

Ruth explained that the verse was a reminder to her that as an older woman, she had a responsibility to set a positive example for younger women like Samantha. She wasn’t perfect, but she was striving to live a life that honored God and she encouraged Samantha to do the same.

Over the next few weeks, Samantha spent a lot of time reflecting on that verse. She realized that she wanted to be a radiant example to her children and to other women in the church. She started reading her Bible more regularly and praying for wisdom in her marriage and parenting.

As she grew in her faith, Samantha began to notice a change in her own life. She was more patient with her kids and more understanding of her husband’s perspective. She also started reaching out to other women in the church who were struggling, just as Ruth had reached out to her.

Eventually, the mentoring program came to an end, but Samantha and Ruth remained close. Samantha was grateful for the friendship and guidance that Ruth had provided, and knew that she had truly become a radiant example to her.

In conclusion, Titus 2 is a powerful reminder of the role that older women can play in the lives of younger women. By sharing their wisdom and setting a positive example, they can help younger women navigate the challenges of life and grow in their faith. As the verse says, "Likewise, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good" (Titus 2:6-7, NIV). May we all strive to be radiant examples to those around us, whether we are young or old.

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