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Perfect Love Overcomes Fear – a 1 John 4 Story

Perfect Love Overcomes Fear – a 1 John 4 Story

Jenna was a bright and ambitious young woman who had recently moved to the city for work. She was excited to start her new job, but she was also nervous about living on her own in a big city. She had always been a bit of a worrier, and the newness of everything was making her anxious.

One day, Jenna decided to take a walk around her new neighborhood to get some fresh air and clear her head. As she walked, she noticed a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, holding out a cup for spare change. Jenna felt a pang of sadness for him, but also a sense of fear. She had never been comfortable around homeless people and didn’t know how to react.

Jenna continued her walk, but the encounter with the homeless man stayed with her. Later that night, she read a passage from the Bible that her grandmother had given her, which was from 1 John 4. The verse talked about how God is love, and how perfect love casts out fear. Jenna was struck by the message and felt that it spoke directly to her situation.

The next day, Jenna saw the homeless man again as she was walking to work. This time, she felt a sense of conviction that she needed to do something to help him. She approached him and asked if he needed anything to eat or drink. The man, whose name was David, was surprised by her kindness and gratefully accepted her offer.

Over the next few weeks, Jenna started to talk to David more and more. She learned that he had been homeless for several years and had struggled with addiction. Despite his circumstances, David was a kind and gentle soul, and Jenna found herself drawn to him.

As they talked, Jenna realized that her fear of homeless people had been unfounded. David was just like any other person, with hopes and dreams and struggles. She also realized how much of her life had been controlled by fear, and she felt a sense of freedom in letting go of that fear.

Jenna and David became good friends, and Jenna started to think about how she could help him get back on his feet. She searched online for resources for homeless people in the city, and discovered a shelter that was looking for volunteers. Jenna signed up, and started volunteering at the shelter on weekends.

Through her work at the shelter, Jenna met other people who had been impacted by homelessness. She learned more about the issue and started to speak out about it on social media. She even organized a fundraiser for the shelter, which raised thousands of dollars to help homeless people in the city.

In the end, Jenna’s experience with David taught her that perfect love truly does cast out fear. By facing her fear and reaching out to help someone in need, she was able to make a difference in her community and find a sense of purpose in her life.

As 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." Jenna’s story is a powerful reminder that when we act in love instead of fear, we can change the world around us for the better.

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