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One Body, Many Parts – a Ephesians 4 Story

Amber had always been a driven individual. She was a successful businesswoman who had worked hard to get where she was. She worked long hours and was always pushing herself to do more, but she had a problem. She struggled to delegate tasks to others. She thought that nobody could do the work as well as she could, so she tried to do everything herself.

One day, Amber was given a project that was too big for her to handle alone. She knew that she needed help, but she was hesitant to ask. She didn’t want to appear weak or incapable. But as she read through Ephesians 4, she was reminded of the importance of unity and working together. She realized that she was only one part of the body of Christ and that she needed to rely on others just as they relied on her.

With this realization, Amber decided to delegate tasks to her team. She found that they were more than capable of handling the workload, and the project was completed successfully. Amber was amazed at how much more efficient and productive they were when they worked together, each using their unique skills and talents to contribute to the project.

Amber also discovered that by delegating tasks, she had more time and energy to focus on the areas where she excelled. She was able to grow her business even more and was grateful for the team that helped her get there.

Through this experience, Amber learned the importance of humility and recognizing that she was only one part of the body of Christ. She understood that by working together, they could achieve great things for God’s kingdom.

As Ephesians 4:16 states, "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Amber realized that every member of the team had something valuable to contribute, and by working together, they strengthened and built up the body of Christ.

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