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Love in Action – a 3 John Story

Love in Action – a 3 John Story

There was a small church community in a remote village where everyone knew each other. One day, a missionary couple came to this village and stayed with a local family. The couple was welcomed warmly by the family and the church community. They shared their mission work with the community and how they were spreading the Gospel to different parts of the world.

The elderly leader of the church, Gaius, was deeply moved by their story and decided to help them with their mission work. Gaius had a small home that was not in use, so he offered it to the couple to stay in whenever they visited the village. He also made arrangements for the couple to speak at his friend’s church in a neighboring village.

Gaius took care of all the couple’s needs while they were in the village. He even provided them with food and transportation. Gaius’ selfless love and hospitality towards the couple were noticed by everyone in the community, and they were inspired by his actions.

Meanwhile, another church member, Diotrephes, was not happy with Gaius’ actions. He was jealous of the attention and respect that Gaius was getting because of his hospitality towards the couple. Diotrephes refused to help the couple and discouraged others from doing so.

When the couple visited the village again, they were surprised to hear that Diotrephes had turned cold towards them. They were hurt by his words and actions, but they were grateful for Gaius’ love and hospitality towards them.

Gaius’ love and kindness towards the couple were not just words, but they were manifested in his actions. His love was genuine, and it inspired others to show love and kindness to the couple as well. Gaius showed that love is not just a feeling but something that needs to be put into action.

In the end, Gaius’ actions brought blessings not only to the couple but also to the entire community. The couple was grateful for Gaius’ love and hospitality towards them, and they continued to spread the Gospel throughout the world.


"Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God." – 3 John 1:11 (NIV)

This verse reminds us that we should not imitate those who do evil but should imitate those who do good. Gaius’ actions were an excellent example of how we should show love and kindness towards others. He did not just talk about love, but he put it into action. Gaius showed that when we put love into action, it brings blessings not only to the person who receives it but also to the whole community.

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