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“Light Shines in Darkness” – a John 1 Story

Light Shines in Darkness: A John 1 Story

Lena was a young woman who had just moved to the city to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer. She was excited to start this new chapter in her life, but she quickly realized that the city was not what she had imagined it to be. The noise, pollution, and chaos overwhelmed her, and she felt lost and alone. She had heard of a church not too far from her apartment and decided to attend one of their services. As soon as she entered the church, she felt a sense of peace and belonging that she had been searching for.

During the service, the pastor read from the Gospel of John 1:5, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." These words resonated with Lena, and she felt as if they were speaking directly to her. She realized that even in the midst of the chaos and darkness of the city, there was still hope and light to be found.

After the service, Lena met some of the church members, and they welcomed her with open arms. They invited her to join their Bible study group, and she eagerly accepted. For the next few weeks, Lena immersed herself in the study of the Gospel of John, and she was amazed at how relevant the words were to her life.

One day, Lena was walking home from the grocery store when she saw a woman sitting on the sidewalk, crying. She approached the woman and asked if she needed help. The woman explained that she had lost her job and had been living on the streets for a few days. Lena felt a tug at her heart, and she knew that she had to do something to help.

She invited the woman to her apartment, and she gave her food, clothes, and a place to sleep. The woman was grateful, and Lena felt a sense of joy and purpose that she had never experienced before. She realized that the light that was shining in her was not just for her but for others to see and be touched by.

As Lena continued to grow in her faith, she started volunteering at a local shelter and working with the homeless. She realized that she had been given a gift, not just for herself but for others, and she used it to bring hope and light to those who were lost in the darkness.

In John 1:9, it says, "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." Lena had found the true light, and she was determined to share it with others. Her life had been transformed, and she knew that it was only the beginning of a journey that would lead her to greater heights.


The light that shines in darkness is a gift that we have all been given. We may feel lost and alone at times, but we can trust that the light will guide us to where we need to be. As we allow the light to shine through us, we can bring hope and healing to a world that desperately needs it. Let us be like Lena and use the light that we have been given to make a difference in the lives of those around us.

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