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From Slavery to Freedom – a Galatians 4 Story

From Slavery to Freedom – a Galatians 4 Story

Jasmine had grown up in a broken home. Her father had left when she was just a baby, and her mother had turned to drugs and alcohol to cope. Jasmine had always felt like she was on her own, fending for herself. When she turned 18, she moved out of her mother’s house and tried to make it on her own.

But life was tough. She couldn’t find a steady job, and she started to fall into bad habits herself. One night, she was out drinking with some friends when she met a man named Marcus. He seemed charming and suave, and Jasmine was drawn to him.

Before she knew it, Jasmine was living with Marcus. He promised to take care of her, but instead, he started to use her as his personal ATM. He would ask her for money, and if she refused, he would get angry and abusive.

Jasmine felt trapped. She wanted to leave Marcus, but she didn’t know how. She had no money and no place to go. She was like a slave, trapped in a life she didn’t want.

But one day, Jasmine heard about a group of people who helped women in her situation. They were a Christian organization that believed in the power of Jesus to set people free. Jasmine was skeptical, but she was also desperate, so she decided to give it a try.

She met with a woman from the organization who told her about the love of God and how He had sent His son Jesus to set people free from their sins. Jasmine was touched by the woman’s words, and for the first time in her life, she felt like there was hope.

As she began to learn more about Jesus, Jasmine realized that she had been living in slavery her whole life. She had been a slave to her circumstances, a slave to her addictions, and a slave to Marcus. But in Jesus, she found true freedom.

Jasmine gave her life to Jesus, and she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She started attending church and Bible studies, and she made new friends who loved and supported her.

One day, Marcus came looking for her. He demanded that she return to him, but Jasmine stood firm. She knew that Jesus had set her free, and she was not going back to her old life.

Marcus left in a huff, and Jasmine never saw him again. She had been set free from her slavery, and she was grateful for the love and grace of Jesus.

As it says in Galatians 4:7, "So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir." Jasmine had been set free from her slavery and had become a child of God. She was now an heir to His kingdom, and she knew that nothing could ever take that away from her.

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