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From Parable to Purpose – a Luke 13 Story

There once was a wealthy businesswoman named Rachel. Her company was thriving and she had just purchased a lavish new home. One day, she was driving to a meeting when she heard a loud noise coming from her car. As she pulled over, she saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, covered in dirt and grime.

Rachel was hesitant to approach him, but something compelled her to do so. When she asked if he needed help, the man responded with a smile and asked if she had any spare change. Rachel didn’t have any cash on her, but she offered to buy him a meal instead.

As they sat down at a nearby café, the man began to share his story. He had fallen on hard times after losing his job and his family, and had been living on the streets ever since. Rachel was moved by his honesty and vulnerability, and she felt a sense of purpose in helping him.

Over the next few weeks, Rachel made it her mission to help the homeless man, whose name was David. She took him to job interviews and helped him find temporary housing. Through her efforts, David was able to get back on his feet and start a new chapter in his life.

Rachel knew that she had been blessed with wealth and resources, and she felt a responsibility to use them for good. She began to volunteer at local shelters and started a program to provide job training for the homeless. Her business success no longer felt like just a means to an end, but rather a tool to make a positive impact in the world.

In the end, Rachel realized that her encounter with David had changed her life in profound ways. Through helping him, she had found a sense of purpose and fulfillment that she had never experienced before. She knew that the path ahead would not always be easy, but she was grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the world.

As Luke 13:30 states, "Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last." Rachel had learned that true success was not measured by wealth or status, but rather by the impact she could make on the lives of others.

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