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From Doubt to Faith – a Matthew 17 Story

John had always struggled with his faith. Growing up in a religious household, he had been raised to believe in the power of prayer and the existence of a higher being. But as he got older, he found himself questioning these beliefs more and more. He couldn’t understand how a loving God could allow so much pain and suffering in the world.

One day, John went for a hike in the mountains. As he climbed higher and higher, he felt himself becoming more and more disconnected from the world around him. He began to feel small and insignificant in the face of the vast landscape around him. It was then that he came across a group of hikers who were gathered around a man who was preaching to them.

The man spoke about the power of faith and the miracles that could be accomplished if one had enough belief. John was skeptical, but something about the man’s words struck a chord with him. He decided to stay and listen.

As the man continued to speak, John began to feel a sense of peace wash over him. It was as if all of his doubts and fears were melting away. He felt a sudden rush of energy, and he knew that he had to act on this newfound faith. He approached the preacher and asked him how he could learn more about this way of life.

The man smiled at John and led him to a nearby spring. He told John to drink from the water and to pray for clarity and guidance. John did as he was instructed, and as he drank from the spring, he felt a sense of clarity wash over him. He knew that he had found what he had been looking for.

From that day on, John committed himself to his faith. He began reading the Bible and attending church regularly. He found that the more he learned about God, the more he was able to trust in his power and love.

Matthew 17:20 says, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." John took this verse to heart, and he found that it gave him the strength to face even the toughest challenges.

Over time, John’s faith grew stronger and stronger. He began to see miracles in his own life, and he knew that it was all thanks to God’s grace. He no longer questioned the existence of a higher power, but instead embraced it fully. He knew that he had found his true calling, and he was grateful for the journey that had led him to this point.

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