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“From Brokenness to Redemption” – a Mark 14 Story

Mary sat alone in her bedroom, tears streaming down her face. She was broken, having just gone through a brutal divorce. She had been married for 10 years and had two children, but her husband had cheated on her and left her for another woman. Mary was devastated, and she felt as if her life was over.

One day, while scrolling through social media, Mary came across a post about a church in her area. She had never been particularly religious, but there was something about this church that caught her attention. She decided to attend a service the following Sunday.

As she sat in the pew, listening to the sermon, Mary felt something stir within her. The message was about redemption and how God can take even the most broken and lost individuals and make them whole again. Mary didn’t know much about God, but she knew that she needed him in her life.

After the service, Mary approached the pastor and told him about her situation. He listened intently and then prayed with her, asking God to bring healing and restoration to her life.

Over the next few months, Mary began attending church regularly and dove into the Bible. She learned about the life of Jesus and how he had come to save the lost and broken. She was particularly struck by the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive perfume in Mark 14.

As Mary read the story, she saw herself in the woman. She, too, had been broken and in need of redemption. And just as Jesus had shown compassion and love to the woman, he was showing it to her as well.

Through her newfound faith, Mary began to experience healing in her heart. She learned to forgive her ex-husband and to trust God with her future. She no longer felt alone or hopeless but had a sense of purpose and a newfound joy.

Mary’s story is a powerful reminder that God can take our brokenness and turn it into something beautiful. Just as the woman in Mark 14 was redeemed and made new, so can we be. As Jesus said in verse 8, "She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial." May we, too, do what we can with our brokenness and offer it to Jesus, who can turn it into something beautiful.

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