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Forgiving as a Child – a Matthew 18 Story

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Marcus who had a best friend named Alex. They loved playing together, going on adventures, and exploring new places. They were inseparable, and everyone in their small town knew them as the dynamic duo.

But one day, Alex did something that hurt Marcus deeply. He betrayed his trust and went behind his back to play with another group of kids. Marcus was heartbroken and felt like his best friend had abandoned him. He didn’t want to talk to Alex or play with him anymore.

However, one day at school, something happened that changed everything. Marcus was sitting alone at lunch when Alex came over and sat next to him. He apologized for what he had done, and asked for forgiveness.

At first, Marcus was hesitant. He didn’t want to forgive Alex so easily after what he had done. But then he remembered a story his Sunday School teacher had told him from the Bible about forgiving others.

In Matthew 18, Jesus tells a parable about a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. One servant owed him an enormous amount of money, but he could not pay it back. The king decided to forgive the servant’s debt entirely, showing him great mercy and kindness.

However, that same servant then went and found another servant who owed him a small amount of money. He demanded payment and showed him no mercy. When the king heard about this, he was extremely angry and handed the servant over to be punished.

Marcus realized that he was like that unforgiving servant. He had been forgiven for his own mistakes many times, and he needed to show Alex the same kindness and mercy that had been shown to him.

So, Marcus forgave Alex, and they were able to become friends once again. They learned that forgiveness is not always easy, but it is necessary for true friendship and peace.

In Matthew 18:21-22, Jesus tells Peter to forgive his brother not just seven times, but seventy-seven times. This verse reminds us that forgiveness is essential in our relationships with others, no matter how many times they hurt us. By forgiving others, we show them the same love and grace that God has shown us.

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