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“Building Community Through Love and Service” – a Romans 16 Story

Building Community Through Love and Service – a Romans 16 Story

Emily had always been someone who valued community. She believed that we were designed to live in connection with others, and that we were meant to support, encourage, and love one another through life’s joys and trials. But as she entered her mid-20s, she found herself struggling to find that sense of community. She had moved to a new city for work, and while she had made some acquaintances, she didn’t feel like she had any close friends.

One day, Emily decided to take action. She had been attending a local church for a few months and had heard about a community service project they were organizing. The church was partnering with a local homeless shelter to provide meals and basic supplies for those in need. Emily signed up to volunteer, not knowing what to expect.

When she arrived at the shelter, she was greeted by a group of people from the church. They were all ages and came from different backgrounds, but they welcomed her warmly and immediately put her to work. Emily helped prepare the food, set up tables, and serve the guests who came in for a hot meal. She wasn’t sure if she was making a difference, but she was glad to be doing something to help.

As the afternoon wore on, Emily began to talk to some of the other volunteers. She learned that many of them had been involved in this type of service for years, and that they had formed close bonds with one another through their shared work. They invited her to join them for a weekly Bible study and prayer group, and Emily felt her heart swell with gratitude. She had found the community she had been searching for.

Over the coming weeks and months, Emily continued to serve at the homeless shelter and attend the Bible study. She formed close relationships with the other volunteers, and they supported her through a difficult season at work and prayed for her when she was facing health issues. Emily realized that this was what community was all about – loving and serving one another, and being there through the ups and downs of life.

One day, as Emily was reading her Bible, she came across Romans 16. She was struck by how the chapter was a list of names – people who had worked alongside Paul in his ministry, people who had given generously and risked their lives for the sake of the gospel. Emily realized that these people understood the importance of community in a profound way. They knew that they couldn’t do the work of ministry alone, and they valued the relationships they had with one another. Emily felt grateful to be a part of a community that was following in their footsteps, building friendships through love and service.

In conclusion, Romans 16 emphasizes the importance of community in the body of Christ. Through the list of names, we see how Paul valued the relationships he had with the people he worked alongside, and how they in turn supported him in his ministry. Emily learned that same lesson through her involvement in the church’s service project and Bible study. She found a community that valued love and service, and through that community she grew in her faith and experienced the love of Christ in a tangible way. As Romans 16:16 says, "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you." This verse reminds us that we are part of a larger community of believers, all working together to serve and love one another for the sake of the gospel.

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