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Born Again: John 3 – a Redemptive Story

John was a successful businessman, with a thriving career, a loving family, and all the comforts that money could buy. He spent his days working long hours, closing deals, and negotiating contracts. He was a man of the world, always on the go, always chasing more. But there was a restlessness in his soul, an emptiness that no amount of success could fill.

One day, John met a man named Nicodemus, a well-respected religious leader. Nicodemus spoke to John about the importance of being born again, of receiving a new life through faith in Jesus Christ. John was skeptical at first, but there was something different about Nicodemus, something that spoke to his heart.

As they talked, Nicodemus shared with John the words of Jesus himself, from John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." These words rocked John to his core. He realized that all his success and wealth were meaningless without the love of God in his life.

John began to read the Bible for himself, and the more he read, the more he understood. He saw how Jesus had died on the cross for his sins, how he had taken the punishment that John deserved. He saw how, through faith in Jesus, he could be made new, forgiven for all his wrongs, and given a new life.

John prayed to God, confessing his sins and asking for forgiveness. He asked Jesus to come into his life and make him new. And in that moment, everything changed. John felt a peace that he had never known before, a joy that filled his heart to overflowing. He knew that he was born again, that he had been given a new life through faith in Jesus Christ.

From that day forward, John’s life was never the same. He still worked hard, but now he did it with a sense of purpose and meaning. He spent time with his family, cherishing every moment with them. He gave generously to those in need, knowing that everything he had was a gift from God. And he shared his faith with others, telling them about the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

In John 3:17, Jesus says, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John understood this truth in a way that he never had before. He knew that he was saved by grace, that he had been given a new life through faith in Jesus Christ. And he was grateful, every day, for the incredible love that God had shown him.

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