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Awakening to a New Reality – a Revelation 3 Story

Awakening to a New Reality – a Revelation 3 Story

Carla had always considered herself a devout Christian. She went to church every Sunday, read her Bible daily, and was involved in various church ministries. But one day, while sitting in the pews, she heard a sermon on Revelation 3 that shook her to her core.

The pastor preached about the church in Sardis, a church that had a reputation for being alive, but in reality, was dead. The words hit Carla like a ton of bricks. Could it be possible that she, too, was living a life that was only outwardly religious, but inwardly dead?

She couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed to examine her heart and her relationship with God. That night, she poured over Revelation 3, reading about the other churches and their strengths and weaknesses. She saw herself in some of the churches, recognizing areas where she needed to repent and turn back to God.

Over the next few weeks, Carla began to make changes in her life. She started spending more time in prayer and reading her Bible, and less time watching TV and scrolling through social media. She reached out to those in her community who were in need, serving them with a genuine heart for Christ.

As she changed, Carla noticed a difference in the way she saw the world around her. She saw the people she interacted with as individuals who were loved by God, instead of simply seeing them as obstacles or annoyances. She began to have a deeper appreciation for the beauty of creation, recognizing it as a gift from the Creator.

The changes in her life weren’t easy, and she still struggled with temptation and sin. But she knew that God was with her, giving her the strength to persevere. She found herself thanking God for the trials and difficulties in her life, knowing that they were making her more like Jesus.

In the end, Carla was grateful for the wake-up call she received from Revelation 3. It had opened her eyes to a new reality – one where her faith wasn’t just a set of religious practices, but a vibrant, life-giving relationship with God.

"Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you." – Revelation 3:3 (ESV)

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