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A House Built on Rock – a Matthew 7 Story

A House Built on Rock – a Matthew 7 Story

Once upon a time, there was a man named John who decided to build a house. John considered himself a wise man, so he chose to build his house on a rocky hill rather than a flat piece of land. He believed that the rocky foundation would make his house more durable and resistant to natural disasters.

John worked hard and diligently to construct his dream home. He spent months measuring and analyzing the location, choosing the best materials, and hiring the best workers. After many months of hard work, the house was finally complete.

John was proud of his beautiful house and invited all his friends and family to come and see it. The house was sturdy and stood tall on the rocky hill. Everyone admired the beautiful architecture and the scenic view from the house’s windows.

One day, a tremendous storm hit the area where John lived. The wind was so strong that it knocked down trees and destroyed anything in its path. John’s neighbors who had built their houses on the flatlands were not so lucky. Their homes were swept away with the floodwaters.

However, John’s house stood firm, and it didn’t even shake. John realized that he had made the right decision to build his house on the rock foundation. He was grateful for his wisdom and hard work, which had paid off in the end.

In contrast, John’s neighbor, Peter, had built his house on the sandy ground. Peter was not as wise as John, and he had taken the easier way. He did not spend enough time analyzing the location or choosing the right materials. He thought that building his house on the sand would be more comfortable and cheaper.

When the storm hit, Peter’s house collapsed, and he lost everything. He was devastated and regretted not listening to John’s advice. He realized that he had made a foolish decision, and now he had to pay for it.

The moral of the story is that we must build our lives on a solid foundation. If we do not, we will suffer the consequences in the future. According to Matthew 7, we must hear Jesus’ words and put them into practice if we want to build our lives on a firm foundation. Jesus says, "Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24).

In conclusion, John’s story teaches us that hard work and wisdom pay off in the end. We must make wise decisions and choose the right foundation for our lives. Otherwise, we will suffer the consequences of our foolish decisions. As Jesus said, if we hear his words and act on them, we will build our lives on a firm foundation that can withstand any storm.

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