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Nahum’s Powerful Message: A 1-Minute Read

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The Bible Book of Nahum: A Summary

The book of Nahum is a prophetic book in the Old Testament that foretells the downfall of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

The book consists of three chapters and is named after its author, Nahum, which means "comforter" in Hebrew.

Nahum’s message is a warning to Nineveh and a message of comfort to the people of Judah, who were suffering under Assyrian oppression.

Reading Nahum in 60-Seconds or Less

Chapter 1: God’s wrath against Nineveh. "The Lord is slow to anger and great in power." (1:3)

Chapter 2: The fall of Nineveh. "The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved." (2:6)

Chapter 3: Nineveh’s destruction is certain. "All who hear the news about you clap their hands over you." (3:19)

Read the entire book of Nahum to see God’s justice and mercy in action. It’s a powerful message of hope and comfort for those who trust in God.

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