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Discovering God’s Message in Amos: Read in 1 Minute!

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The Bible Book of Amos: A Summary

The book of Amos is a prophetic book in the Old Testament that contains messages from God to Israel and other nations. Amos was a shepherd from Tekoa, and God chose him to be his messenger to the Israelites. In his book, Amos addresses the social injustices, economic exploitation, idolatry, and complacency of the people.

Amos: A 60-Second Bible Reading

Chapter 1-2: Amos prophesies judgment on neighboring nations and Judah for their sins."For three sins of Damascus, even for four, I will not relent." (Amos 1:3)

Chapter 3-6: Amos rebukes Israel for their oppression, greed, and disobedience."Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you." (Amos 5:14)

Chapter 7-9: Amos sees visions of God’s impending judgment and restoration."’I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,’ says the Lord your God." (Amos 9:15)

Read the entire book of Amos to discover God’s message of justice, mercy, and hope for his people.

As we read the book of Amos, we are reminded that God cares deeply about our actions and attitudes towards others, especially the marginalized and oppressed. We are called to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. May we heed the message of Amos and live in a way that honors God and blesses others.

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