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Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will


As seniors reflect on their lives, leaving a legacy becomes a meaningful endeavor. This article explores how including your church in your will not only honors God but also supports the community that has nurtured your faith. Discover the profound impact your generosity can have on future generations and the fulfillment it brings.



Flavorful Faith: Choosing Candy with Care

In “Flavorful Faith: Choosing Candy with Care,” we explore the importance of moderation in candy consumption for young children. Discover fun tips for selecting healthier treats, teaching kids about balance, and making mindful choices that still satisfy their sweet tooth. Join us in creating a deliciously responsible approach to enjoying candy without overindulgence!


Setting Boundaries: Protecting Your Heart in New Relationships

Explore essential strategies for setting boundaries in new relationships after divorce. This article offers practical advice on protecting your heart and maintaining your values. Learn how to navigate emotional challenges, prioritize self-care, and foster healthy connections while staying true to yourself. Empower your journey toward love without compromising your well-being. Discover the importance of boundaries today!