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Trusting God in Scary Situations

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Trusting God in Scary Situations

Intro: Hey kids! Did you ever been afraid of monsters in your room, under your bed, or in your closet? Fear is a common emotion that everyone experiences, even adults. But did you know that as a Christian, we don’t have to be scared of monsters or anything else? How is that possible? Because we can trust in God in any scary situation.

Bible story: Let’s hear a Bible story about a scary situation. In Daniel 6, King Darius made a law that nobody could pray to anyone else except him for thirty days. But Daniel, one of God’s faithful servants, continued to pray to God every day, no matter what. When the king found out, he threw Daniel into a den full of lions, which was a very scary place to be. But God protected Daniel, and he didn’t get hurt at all. When the king saw that Daniel was safe, he realized that Daniel’s God was real and powerful. Even in this scary situation, God made a way for Daniel to be safe because he trusted in God.

Lesson: Just like Daniel, we can trust in God in any scary situation. Maybe you’re scared of the dark or what might happen tomorrow. Or maybe you’re afraid of spiders, snakes, or other animals. Sometimes we have fears that we can’t explain, but that doesn’t mean we have to hold onto them. Instead, we can give our fears to God and ask him to help us trust in him. We don’t have to be afraid of monsters or anything else because God is always with us.

Activity: Let’s play a game. (Name of the game and instructions can be adjusted based on the age and number of children.) In this game, we will pretend to be in a scary situation, but we will trust in God to protect us. (Example: Walking through a haunted house with fake monsters and creepy sounds.) When you feel scared, say out loud, “I trust in God!” Let’s see if we can make it through the scary situation without getting scared.

Closing: Remember, kids, when you’re scared or facing a scary situation, you can trust in God to be with you and protect you. Just like Daniel, we can have faith in God’s power and love. Let’s pray and thank God for always being with us and making a way for us to be safe. Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “My God is So Big” by VeggieTales
2. “Trust in the Lord” by Seeds Family Worship
3. “I Will Trust in You” by Lauren Daigle (simplified version)
4. “Do Not Fear” by Uncle Charlie

Questions for Lesson

1. How do you feel when you hear about monsters or scary things?
2. How can we trust God in scary situations?
3. What does the Bible say about fear and how we can overcome it?
4. According to the lesson, what is the ultimate source of love and how can we show it to others?


– Proverbs 3:5-6
– Psalm 23:4
– Isaiah 41:10
– Joshua 1:9
– Matthew 6:34
– Matthew 10:31
– Philippians 4:6-7
– Psalm 27:1
– 2 Timothy 1:7
– John 14:27
– Deuteronomy 31:6
– Psalm 34:4
– Psalm 56:3-4
– Hebrews 13:6
– Psalm 91:1-2, 5-7
– Romans 8:31-39.

Object Lesson

– A stuffed animal monster
– A flashlight
– A Bible (with highlighted verses)
– A child-sized cape or blanket

1. Begin by sharing with the children a story about feeling scared, such as getting lost or being alone in the dark.
2. Then, introduce the stuffed animal monster and explain that sometimes things like monsters can scare us.
3. Ask for a volunteer to come up and hold the flashlight. Have them shine the light on the monster to show that it’s not real and can’t harm us.
4. Bring out the Bible and explain that God is always with us, even in scary situations. Read highlighted verses that talk about trusting in God (such as Psalm 56:3 or Isaiah 41:10).
5. Finally, wrap the child-sized cape or blanket around the volunteer to represent God’s protection and remind the children that they can always trust in God when they feel scared.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Trusting God in Scary Situations

– White paper plates
– Construction paper (black, orange, and white)
– Googly eyes
– Glue
– Scissors
– Markers or crayons
– Hole punch


1. Talk to the children about monsters and fears. Discuss how it’s normal to feel scared, but as Christians, we can trust that God is always with us and will protect us.
2. Give each child a white paper plate and have them draw a scary monster on it with markers or crayons.
3. Have the children cut out a mouth and teeth from the black construction paper and glue it onto the plate where the monster’s mouth would be.
4. Cut out two large white circles and two smaller black circles from the construction paper to make eyes. Glue the black circles onto the white circles and then glue the eyes onto the monster’s face.
5. Use the hole punch to make two holes at the top of the plate.
6. Cut out a small triangle out of the orange construction paper and glue it onto the plate to make the monster’s nose.
7. Have the children write the Bible verse “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3) on the bottom of the plate.
8. Thread a piece of string or ribbon through the holes at the top of the plate to create a hanger.
9. Encourage the children to hang the monster craft in a place where they can see it as a reminder that they can trust in God when faced with scary situations.

This craft is a fun way to tie in the lesson about trusting God, while also allowing the children to express their creativity and craft skills. They can also proudly display their finished monster to remind them of this important lesson.


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