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Showing Reverence: The Heart of Christian Respect

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Title: Showing Reverence: The Heart of Christian Respect

Welcome to today’s lesson on ‘Showing Reverence: The Heart of Christian Respect’. The importance of respecting parents, elders, and people in authority cannot be overstated. Respecting others is a vital aspect of Christian living, and it is a commandment that aligns with God’s will for our lives. Today we will learn about the importance of showing reverence and how it is a reflection of our relationship with God.

Bible Verse:
The Bible instructs us to honor and respect our parents in Exodus 20:12: “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. ”

Respecting our parents is not only a sign of respect for them, but it is also an act of honor to God. Our relationship with God is reflected in the way we treat others, especially people in authority.

The Importance of Showing Reverence:
Showing reverence is an act of humility. It means humbling yourself before someone else and recognizing that they have more experience, knowledge, or authority in a particular area. We show reverence by listening to their instructions, following their guidance, and treating them with respect.

Respect is not just about how we behave in front of people or how we talk to them. It involves a deep understanding of their worth, value, and importance. When we show respect to others, we are acknowledging their God-given role in our lives, and we are honoring the authority that God has placed over us.

How to Show Reverence:
1. Listen: One of the best ways to show reverence is by listening to the guidance and instructions of those in authority. Instead of interrupting or arguing with them, we should take time to understand their perspective and reasons for their decisions.

2. Obey: Showing reverence involves obeying the commands of those in authority. We should follow their instructions even if we don’t agree with them, unless it goes against God’s will.

3. Speak with Respect: We should always speak kindly and respectfully with those in authority. Avoid disrespectful or rude language, and choose words that show admiration and appreciation.

In summary, showing reverence is a vital part of Christian living. We should always respect our parents, elders, and people in authority, recognizing that doing so is an act of honor to God. Through acts of humility and obedience, we can demonstrate our respect for others and our relationship with God. May God help us to cultivate a heart of reverence in all areas of our lives. Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Holy, Holy, Holy” by Reginald Heber and John B. Dykes
2. “How Great Thou Art” by Stuart Hine
3. “Amazing Grace” by John Newton
4. “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” by Billy James Foote

Questions for Lesson

Personal Questions:
1. How can you show respect to your parents even when you feel angry or frustrated with them?
2. What are some specific ways that respecting your parents can benefit your relationships with others?
3. How does behaving respectfully towards adults help you to grow into a responsible and trustworthy person?

Quiz Questions:
1. According to the lesson, what is the connection between respecting parents and honoring God? (Ephesians 6:1-3)
2. How does showing respect to others reflect our love for God? (1 John 4:20-21)
3. In what ways can we demonstrate respectful behavior towards authority figures such as teachers or government leaders? (Romans 13:1-2)


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