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Loving Others as Christ Loves Us

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Loving Others as Christ Loves Us

Bible Verse: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” – 1 John 4:7


Good morning children! Today we will be learning about love and how to love others as Christ loves us. Love is a special feeling that we all have inside of us that makes us feel happy and joyful. We experience love when we are kind, gentle and caring towards others.

The Bible teaches us that God is the source of love, and that when we love others we are showing that we know God. In 1 John 4:7, it says “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”

Loving our friends is important because it shows them that we care about them and value their friendship. We can show love by saying kind words, giving hugs or helping them when they need it. We can also show love by spending time with our friends and doing things that they enjoy.

But how do we know how to love others? We learn from Jesus, who showed us the ultimate example of love. Jesus showed us love by helping those in need, forgiving others and sacrificing his own life for us. When we follow Jesus’ example by loving others, we are becoming more like Him.

So, how can we love our friends like Christ loves us? Let us pray and ask God to show us ways to love others today. Let’s also practice being kind, gentle and caring towards everyone we meet, and remember that love comes from God.

Closing Prayer:

Dear God, thank you for showing us what true love is through Jesus. Help us to love others like He loves us, by being kind, gentle and caring towards everyone we meet. We pray that as we show love to others, they can feel your love shining through us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. Jesus Loves Me – This classic children’s song teaches about the boundless love of Jesus for every child.

2. Love One Another – A simple and catchy tune that encourages kids to love and care for others, just as Jesus taught.

3. This Little Light of Mine – While not specifically about loving others, this song teaches children about the importance of sharing Jesus’ love with others by letting their own light shine.

4. Give Me Oil in My Lamp – This lively song asks God to fill us with His love and help us share it with others. Its upbeat tune and catchy lyrics make it a hit with younger kids.

Questions for Lesson

1. As a young Christian, how can you show love to your friends in the same way that Christ loves us?
2. What does 1 John teach about the importance of loving our friends, and how can that impact your relationships with others?


1 John 4:7-8
John 13:34-35
Romans 12:10
1 Thessalonians 3:12-13
1 Peter 1:22
Colossians 3:12-14
Ephesians 4:32
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Matthew 22:37-40
John 15:12-13

Object Lesson


– A large heart-shaped container or box
– Small mirrors
– Stickers
– Markers

Introduction: Explain to the children that God wants us to love others the way that He loves us. This can be hard sometimes, but it’s important to try our best to show love to those around us.


1. Begin by showing the children the heart-shaped container or box. Explain that this represents the love that God has for us and the love that we should have for others.

2. Allow each child to look at themselves in the small mirrors. Ask them to identify something they like about themselves or something they are good at.

3. Invite the children to select a sticker and write the name of someone they care about on it.

4. Ask the children to place their stickers inside the heart-shaped container. Explain that by doing this, they are showing love to that person and thinking about ways they can share with them.

5. Encourage the children to use the markers to draw or write something that would make the person they chose feel happy or loved.

Conclusion: Remind the children that God wants us to love others just as He loves us. We can do this by thinking about others and their needs and making an effort to show kindness and care.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: “Love Bracelets”

– Elastic string
– Assorted Pony Beads
– Scissors

1. Give each child a 12-inch length of elastic string.
2. Instruct the children to thread the beads onto the string, making sure to leave enough room on both ends of the string to tie it together.
3. Encourage the children to choose beads that remind them of their friends or family members.
4. Once all of the beads are threaded onto the string, tie the ends of the string together.
5. Assist children in trimming off any excess string; the bracelet should be snug but not too tight on their wrists.
6. As children work on their bracelets, share the lesson from 1 John about loving others as Christ loves us.
7. Encourage children to wear their bracelets as a reminder to love their friends and family as Christ loves us.

Optional: Print out a small label with the bible verse from 1 John, “This is my commandment: Love each other as I have loved you.” and attach it to the bracelet as a reminder of the lesson.

This craft is a simple and meaningful way to reinforce the lesson of loving others as Christ loves us. The love bracelets can be worn by children as a reminder and a visual symbol of their commitment to this principle.


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