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Jesus Loves Everyone

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Title: Jesus Loves Everyone

Summary: This lesson is about John 3:16, which is a famous Bible verse that teaches us about the love of Jesus. Young children will learn that Jesus loves everyone and how we can respond to this love.



Begin the lesson by asking the children if they have ever heard the famous Bible verse, John 3:16. Most of them might have heard it from their parents or Sunday school teachers. Explain that this verse tells us about God’s love for the world and that Jesus is the key to understanding God’s love.

Verse Exploration:

Read John 3:16 with the children and break it down into simple phrases:

“For God so loved the world”
“that he gave his one and only Son,”
“that whoever believes in him”
“shall not perish”
“but have eternal life.”

Explain to the children what each phrase means:

– God loves the world: This means that God loves everyone and everything in the world, even the animals and the plants.

– He gave his one and only Son: This means that God sent Jesus to the world to save us from our sins (wrong things we do).

– Whoever believes in him: This means that if we trust in Jesus and follow him, we can have a special relationship with God.

– Shall not perish: This means that we don’t have to be scared of death or punishment, because Jesus has made a way for us to be forgiven and saved.

– But have eternal life: This means that we can live forever with God in heaven if we accept Jesus as our savior.


Ask the children if they know why Jesus came to the world. Explain that Jesus came to the world to show us God’s love and to save us from our sins. Ask the children if they believe that Jesus loves them. Explain that Jesus loves everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done. Encourage them to feel loved by Jesus and to share that love with others.


Finish the lesson by encouraging the children to respond to Jesus’ love in a tangible way. For example, they could draw a picture of Jesus, pray to him, or write a thank-you note to him. Encourage the children to talk to their parents about Jesus’ love and to see how they can share Jesus’ love with their family and friends.


Summarize the lesson by reminding the children that Jesus loves everyone and that we can respond to his love by trusting in him and following him. Help them to understand that Jesus is a friend who will always be there for them, no matter what happens. Pray with the children, asking Jesus to help them understand his love and to guide them in their lives.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. Jesus Loves Me – This classic song is a perfect fit for the lesson topic of Jesus loving everyone, and it’s easy for young children to learn and sing along.

2. This Little Light of Mine – This upbeat tune emphasizes the message that God’s love shines through us, and can inspire children to let their own light shine in the world.

3. Love the Lord Your God – This song, based on the greatest commandment in the Bible, helps young children understand how to show their love for God through actions and attitudes.

4. Father Abraham – This fun, interactive song teaches children that we’re all part of God’s family and that he loves each and every one of us, just like Abraham and his descendants.

Questions for Lesson

1. What is John 3:16?
2. How does God show his love for us in John 3:16?
3. What is the significance of believing in Jesus according to John 3:16?
4. What does John 3:16 teach us about eternal life?
5. How can we show our gratitude for God’s love and gift of Jesus?
6. How does John 3:16 affect your understanding of who God is?


– John 3:16
– Romans 5:8
– 1 John 4:7-8
– Matthew 22:37-39
– Mark 16:15
– Luke 6:27
– Galatians 3:28
– Ephesians 4:32
– Colossians 3:14
– 1 Timothy 2:3-4
– 2 Peter 3:9
– Revelation 3:20

Object Lesson

Props needed:
1) A large heart cut-out
2) Two small dolls or figures, one male and one female
3) A sign that reads “John 3:16”
4) A toy earth or globe

Presenting the illustration:
1) Begin by showing the children the large heart cut-out and explain that the heart represents love.
2) Next, bring out the two small dolls or figures and ask the children if they can guess who they are. Once they identify them as a boy and a girl, ask the children why they think the boy and girl are holding hands.
3) Explain that the boy and girl represent people and that holding hands means they are friends or love each other.
4) Bring out the sign that reads “John 3:16” and tell the children that it’s a Bible verse about love.
5) Read the verse aloud and explain that it means God loves everyone in the world, no matter who they are.
6) Finally, bring out the toy earth or globe and ask the children to point out where they live. Explain that God’s love is for all people, no matter where they come from.

Finish by emphasizing that just as the boy and girl in the illustration love each other, Jesus loves everyone in the world and wants us to love and care for one another too.

Craft Idea

No craft for this lesson.


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