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Brave Heroes of Faith

Possible Viewpont: Catholic

Title: Brave Heroes of Faith

Hello, everyone! Today, we are going to talk about some incredible heroes from the Bible called the Maccabees. They lived a long time ago and showed us what it means to be brave and faithful to God. Let’s learn more about their story and what we can take from it!

Story of the Maccabees:
The Maccabees were a family of brave men who lived in a place called Judea during a difficult time. The king of a big country, named Antiochus, wanted everyone to stop believing in God and to follow his own gods instead. But the Maccabees knew that they must always love and worship only the one true God.

One of the Maccabees was a man named Mattathias. He was very brave, and when he saw people worshiping false gods, he stood up for what was right. He said, “We will not stop believing in God!” Mattathias had five sons, and they followed in their father’s footsteps, showing bravery and courage. They fought against the king’s army to defend their faith and their way of life.

The most famous of the Maccabees were Judas Maccabeus and his brothers. They led the people in battles and did their best to protect their homeland and their religion. Because of their bravery, they were able to keep the Jewish faith alive.

The Miracle of the Oil:
Once, after they won a big battle, the Maccabees wanted to rededicate the Temple to God. They only had a small jar of oil, enough to keep the lamp lit for one day. But when they lit the lamp, it miraculously stayed lit for eight days! This miracle is celebrated with the festival of Hanukkah, which reminds us of the Maccabees and their faith.

Lessons for Us:

  1. Be Brave: The Maccabees teach us that we should always stand up for our beliefs, just like they did, even when it is hard. We can be brave in our everyday lives, being kind and standing up for what is right.

  2. Trust in God: The Maccabees never lost faith in God, no matter what happened. We can always trust God, knowing He is with us in good times and bad.

  3. Celebrate Our Faith: Just as the Maccabees celebrated their miracles, we can celebrate our faith in God, praying and gathering with family and friends to share our love for Him.

The story of the Maccabees reminds us of the importance of being brave and faithful. Even as young children, you can be heroes in your own lives by loving God and helping others. Remember, with God by our side, we can be brave just like the Maccabees! Let’s spend some time praying for courage and faith, just like our brave heroes.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “I’m Gonna Let It Shine” – A children’s song that encourages kids to let their light shine for Jesus, embodying bravery in faith.

2. “This Little Light of Mine” – A popular children’s song that inspires young ones to share their faith and be courageous in showing their love for God.

3. “God is So Good” – A simple and uplifting song that helps children acknowledge God’s goodness and encourages them to be brave in their belief.

4. “The Brave Ones” – A song that tells stories of saints and heroes of faith, encouraging children to be courageous in following their own faith journeys.

Questions for Lesson

1. Who were the Maccabees, and why are they important in our faith?

2. Can you tell me a story about a brave action the Maccabees took to defend their beliefs?

3. How do you think the courage of the Maccabees can inspire you in your daily life?

4. What does the story of the Maccabees teach us about standing up for what we believe in?

5. Have you ever had a moment when you had to be brave for something you believe in? How did that feel?

6. According to the Book of Maccabees, what was one way God showed His support for the Maccabees during their struggles?


Hebrews 11:1-40
Joshua 1:9
1 Samuel 17:45-47
Daniel 3:16-18
Hebrews 11:32-34
Esther 4:14
Romans 1:16
2 Timothy 1:7
Matthew 17:20
Philippians 4:13
James 1:12
1 Corinthians 16:13
Ephesians 6:10-11
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 27:1

Object Lesson

Title: “Brave Heroes of Faith: The Maccabees”

Objective: To teach young children about the bravery and faith of the Maccabees, inspiring them to be courageous in their beliefs.

Props Needed:

1. **Toy soldiers** (representing the Maccabees)
2. **A small toy temple or a cardboard box** (to represent the Temple)
3. **A blue blanket or fabric** (to represent their homeland, Israel)
4. **Yellow or gold paper stars** (to represent hope and faith)
5. **A rubber sword or stick** (for the Maccabee leader)
6. **A small crown or tiara** (to represent leadership)
7. **A picture or illustration of a menorah** (to highlight the oil miracle)

Presenting the Illustration:

1. **Setting the Scene**: Begin by spreading the blue blanket on the floor to represent Israel. Place the toy temple or cardboard box in the center of the blanket. Gather the children around in a circle.

2. **Introducing the Maccabees**: Show the toy soldiers. Explain that these soldiers were called the Maccabees, brave heroes who loved their faith and were very courageous. Emphasize that they stood up for what they believed in, even when times were tough.

3. **Telling the Story**:
– Start narrating how the Maccabees saw that their beloved temple was being disrespected and how they wanted to fight for their faith.
– As you tell the story, hold up the rubber sword or stick to show how they bravely defended their beliefs.
– Make it interactive by asking the children questions: “What would you do if something you loved was not being treated well?” Encourage them to share their thoughts.

4. **The Miracle of the Oil**: Transition to the miracle by showing the picture of the menorah. Explain that after the Maccabees won the battle, there was a miracle where a small amount of oil lasted for eight days in the temple. Use the yellow or gold stars to symbolize this miracle by giving each child a star.

5. **Reinforcing the Lesson**: Gather the children and discuss how the Maccabees’ bravery and faith remind us to stand up for our beliefs, too. Encourage them to think of ways they can show bravery in their lives.

6. **Role Play**: Allow the children to pretend to be Maccabees. They can use the toy soldiers and go on a “brave mission” around the space. Encourage them to shout phrases like “We are brave! We believe!” to reinforce the theme of courage and faith.

7. **Closing Reflection**: Finish by having a brief moment of quiet where each child can think about something they are brave about in their own lives. End with a group cheer for the Maccabees, emphasizing teamwork and faith.

This engaging illustration helps children understand the story of the Maccabees in an interactive and memorable way, fostering their ability to relate acts of bravery and faith to their own lives.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: “Maccabee Shield of Faith”

Objective: Children will create their own Maccabee shield, which symbolizes bravery and faith in God, inspired by the story of the Maccabees.

Supplies Needed:
1. Construction paper (red, blue, gold)
2. Scissors
3. Glue sticks
4. Markers or crayons
5. Optional: glitter, stickers, or other decorative items
6. A paper plate (for the shield base)
7. String or ribbon (for hanging)

1. Begin with a brief introduction about the Maccabees. Explain how they were brave heroes of faith who stood up for their beliefs and fought for their freedom to worship God.

2. Provide each child with a paper plate. Explain that this will be the base for their shield.

3. Ask the children to choose one piece of construction paper (red, blue, or gold) to cut out a large circle that can fit over the paper plate. This will be the main backdrop of their shield.

4. Once they have cut out the circle, they can glue it onto the paper plate.

5. Now, have the children cut out smaller shapes (stars, crosses, or other symbols of their faith) from the other colored construction paper. These represent their personal faith and courage.

6. Encourage the children to decorate their shields using markers or crayons. They can draw symbols, write words like “Faith” or “Courage,” and add glitter or stickers to make their shields unique.

7. Finally, attach a piece of string or ribbon to the back of the paper plate so they can hang their shields at home as a reminder of the bravery of the Maccabees and their own faith.

8. Conclude the activity by gathering the children to share their creations and discuss what it means to be brave in their own faith, just like the Maccabees.

This craft not only fosters creativity but also reinforces the lesson of bravery and faith in young children.


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