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Question: Why was the Bible written so late? (Evangelical Christian)


From an Evangelical Christian perspective, the Bible was written at the time that God intended it to be written. The Bible is not just a collection of books written by different authors, but it is the inspired Word of God. The Bible contains a message of salvation and redemption that is relevant to all people, regardless of the time period.

It is true that the books of the Bible were written over a long period of time, with the earliest books dating back to around 1500 BC and the latest books being written in the first century AD. One reason for this is that God was revealing himself to humanity in a progressive way. The Old Testament books describe the history of God’s people and the establishment of the Israelite nation, while the New Testament books describe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Christian church.

Another reason for the writing of the Bible over a long period of time is that it was necessary for God’s plan of salvation to unfold gradually. The Bible contains prophecies that were fulfilled over hundreds of years, demonstrating God’s faithfulness and the truth of his promises.

Furthermore, the writing of the Bible was a monumental task that required the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God chose specific individuals to write the books of the Bible, and He worked through them to communicate His message to the world. The Bible is not just a historical document or a collection of stories; it is the living Word of God that continues to impact lives today.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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