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Question: Who is Satan?? (LDS / Mormon)


Well, I can provide information on who Satan is according to the beliefs of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon).

In LDS theology, Satan is a spirit son of God who rebelled against Him in the pre-mortal life, seeking to destroy the agency of mankind and to become the ruler of all. This rebellion led to a great war in heaven, in which Satan and his followers were cast out and became the adversary or enemy of God and all that is good.

According to LDS teachings, Satan is also known as Lucifer, which means “bearer of light.” This name refers to his former status as a high-ranking spirit in the pre-mortal life, before his fall. In the Bible, Satan is described as a tempter, deceiver, and accuser who seeks to lead people away from God and to promote evil.

Despite his power and influence, members of the LDS faith believe that Satan’s ultimate fate is already sealed. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all people have the opportunity to repent of their sins and be saved. Satan, however, rejected this opportunity and will eventually be cast into outer darkness, where he will remain forever separated from God and all that is good.

Viewpoint: LDS / Mormon
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