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Question: Who is Satan?? (Evangelical Christian)


Satan is a spiritual being, also known as the devil, who is believed to be the embodiment of evil and the enemy of God and humanity. In the Bible, Satan is described as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. He is depicted as a tempter and deceiver who seeks to lead people away from God and into sin.

According to Christian beliefs, Satan was once a powerful and beautiful angel who was created by God. However, he became prideful and rebellious, and sought to exalt himself above God. This led to his fall from grace and his expulsion from heaven. Since then, he has been working to undermine God’s plan and to lead people away from the truth.

Satan is often portrayed as a cunning and manipulative character, who uses various methods to deceive people and lead them into sin. He is believed to be the source of all evil in the world, and is seen as a constant threat to humanity’s spiritual well-being.

Despite Satan’s power and influence, Christians believe that he is ultimately defeated by the power of God. Through faith in Jesus Christ, believers can overcome the temptations and deception of Satan, and can live a life of victory over sin and evil.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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