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Question: Who is michael the archangel? (LDS / Mormon)


As a LDS/Mormon, I believe that Michael the Archangel is a prominent figure in the Bible and is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. He is portrayed as a powerful and righteous angel who leads the armies of heaven against the forces of evil.

In the book of Daniel, Michael is described as a prince who protects the people of Israel. In the New Testament, he is mentioned in the book of Jude as disputing with Satan over the body of Moses. He is also mentioned in the book of Revelation as leading the battle against the dragon, which represents Satan.

While some scholars debate whether Michael is a literal archangel or a symbolic representation, the LDS/Mormon Church believes that Michael is a literal being who holds a position of authority in the heavenly hierarchy. In fact, the LDS/Mormon Church teaches that Michael is none other than Adam, the first man created by God.

As a figure of great power and authority, Michael the Archangel serves as an important symbol of hope and protection for believers, reminding us that even in the midst of spiritual warfare, we are not alone.

Viewpoint: LDS / Mormon
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