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Question: Where does God reside? (LDS / Mormon)


As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that God resides in heaven, which is a place of perfection and glory beyond human comprehension. In LDS theology, God is not limited by time or space and is omnipresent, meaning that He is everywhere at once. However, we also believe that God has a physical body and that He resides in a specific location in heaven.

In the Book of Mormon, it says that “the heaven of heavens cannot contain him” (1 Kings 8:27) which reinforces the idea that God is omnipresent and that there is no physical space that can contain Him. However, we also believe that there is a specific place where God physically resides. In Doctrine and Covenants 76:92, it says that God “dwelleth in the midst of them all; he shall receive them and dwell among them.” This suggests that God lives among His children in heaven.

Furthermore, we believe that God’s presence can be felt on earth through the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine messenger sent from God to guide and comfort us. As we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and live according to God’s commandments, we can feel the Holy Spirit’s presence and receive personal revelation. This allows us to communicate with God and feel close to Him, even though He resides in heaven.

In conclusion, we believe that God resides in heaven, which is a place of perfection and glory beyond our understanding. While God is omnipresent and can be felt on earth through the Holy Spirit, we also believe that there is a specific place where He physically resides. As we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and strive to live according to God’s commandments, we can feel close to Him and receive personal revelation through the Holy Spirit.

Viewpoint: LDS / Mormon
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