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Question: Was Jesus Born on Dec 25? (Evangelical Christian)


As an Evangelical Christian, the question of whether Jesus was born on December 25th is a topic of much debate among Biblical scholars and theologians. While the Bible does not specifically state the date of Jesus’ birth, there are several clues that suggest it may not have been on December 25th.

One of the main arguments against a December 25th birthdate is that the shepherds mentioned in Luke 2:8 were likely not tending their flocks in the winter months. Additionally, the census mentioned in Luke 2:1-3 likely would not have taken place during the winter months, as it would have been difficult for people to travel in inclement weather.

Despite these arguments, many Christians continue to celebrate December 25th as the traditional date of Jesus’ birth. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that it was chosen by the early Christian Church as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ, as it coincided with several pagan festivals that were already being celebrated at that time.

Ultimately, while we may never know the exact date of Jesus’ birth, what is most important is the significance of His birth and the impact that His life and teachings have had on the world. Whether we celebrate His birth on December 25th or another day of the year, let us always remember the love and sacrifice that He showed for us through His life and death.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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