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Question: Was Jesus Born on Dec 25? (Amish)


As an Amish, I believe that the exact date of Jesus’ birth is not specified in the Bible. The Bible does not give an exact date of His birth, nor does it give any indication of a specific season or time of year. Therefore, it is impossible to say for certain whether or not Jesus was born on Dec 25.

There are many theories about why Dec 25 was chosen as the date to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Some historians believe that it was chosen to coincide with the winter solstice, which was a pagan holiday that was widely celebrated in ancient Rome. Others suggest that the date was chosen because it is the same day as the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was also a popular holiday.

Regardless of how the date was chosen, what is important is that we celebrate the birth of Jesus and remember the significance of His life and teachings. As a Christian, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to earth to save us from our sins. Whether or not He was actually born on Dec 25 is not as important as the fact that He was born and that His life and teachings continue to impact us today.

Viewpoint: Amish
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